Congratulations on a great article, and being the first to mention ASP Isotopes on Substack. This will be one for the ages.

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Sep 11Liked by Jacob Rowe

Nice write up. Lots of good info here.

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Excellent write up!

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Sep 18Liked by Jacob Rowe

I own it but boy did I learn from this article. Great work!

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Sep 13Liked by Jacob Rowe

Very well written. Good work!

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Sep 11Liked by Jacob Rowe

Very well written and a comprehensive analysis on a remarkable opportunity. Thank you.

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Brilliant write up - have owned the stock for just under a year - very exciting company.

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Sep 10Liked by Jacob Rowe

Thanks for this excellent writeup. Very intriguing!

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So many ways it could go wrong. Looks like a lottery ticket, as a Biotech stock. Article with many fantasies and presumptions, and with a doubtful probability of being realized. There are better cases in the market.

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Yeah the fact they have no patent protection for this, that it's not a particularly complicated technology, that we don't even know how the quantum enrichment process works... and yet this is all brushed off, and the company is called a no-brainer at a $200m valuation pre-revenue? Seems a wild thing to put other people's money into.

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